Be part of our story...

Spero is a jewellery brand that offers quality, sustainable and ethical sterling silver jewellery to its customers with the most remarkable designs and the best quality. With expanding global audience and influencers and social platforms, this Spero is only starting its exciting journey. Greater, better, and more inspirational moments lay ahead, so if your blog or website could do with a bit of Spero London charm, then the affiliate program is the excellent place to begin.
Each piece has been meticulously designed to complete your style and make you feel stylish at its peak. We want to invite you to our affiliate program and be a part of our story.
What Would Be Involved?
We'd ask you to promote Spero London on your website or blog. You can do this by; placing our ads, banners and links on your site. Ultimate aim is promoting our jewellery to ensure your visitors are informed of our latest collections and discounts. We would be also happy if you share on social media or even face to face!
How To Join?
Send a mail with all of your details to
Our team will look at your website or blog to make sure you are perfect fit for our brand. Afterwards, they will contact you regarding your application.
Please feel free to contact for partnership opportunities and if you are facing any problems.
You can also join directly from Webgains affiliate network.